
Fill in the blanks set 3

 1. He was walking ___________ the president.

    (a) besides

    (b) beside


 2. This scheme will prove to be ___________ in the long run.

    (a) beneficial

    (b) beneficiary


3. She is a person of ____________ taste.

    (a) artistic

    (b) artful


 4. Plague is a __________ disease.

    (a) contagious

    (b) infections


 5. Burglary is a ___________.

    (a) crime

    (b) sin


6. Suresh is __________ to smoking.

    (a) devoted

    (b) addicted


7. The post-office __________ the stamps on letter before despatch.

     (a) effaces

     (b) defaces


 8. The judge granted ___________ and the man was released.

     (a) forgiveness

     (b) pardon


9. Being __________ the child spoke the truth.

    (a) innocent

    (b) innocuous


10. This was the most __________ innings of his career.

      (a) memorial

      (b) memorable


11. The Rashtrapati Bhavan gives an ________ look.

       (a) imperial

       (b) imperious


12. Naresh was trying his best to get __________ with the girls.

      (a) popular

      (b) populous


13. Keats' poems are mostly ____________.

      (a) sensual

      (b) sensuous


14. The husband abused his wife ___________.

      (a) wilfully

      (b) willingly


15. The texture of his cloth is __________.

      (a) coarse

      (b) course



1. beside

2. beneficial

3. artistic

4. contagious

5. crime

6. addicted

7. defaces

8. pardon

9. innocent

10. memorable

11. imperial

12. popular

13. sensuous

14. willingly

15. coarse

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